Problem exploration
Firstly me together with the product owner responsible for the freelance community define the specific target audince and following internal processes. After that I contacted several current freelance colleagues and made some exploration how they work, what kind of informationthey require, what is actually missing on the global website and validated that with Google Analytics.

Based on exploration product owner decided to have a separated page instead of a landing page on a global website. For this purposes we bought a dedicated domain.
Content and prototypes
I prepared a draft of texts, key call to actions and placed them into a low fidelity prototype. Together with external copywriter we prepared simple and attractive texts, directly into the wireframe.

Visual design
We used services of a first class agency which provided us visual styles, style guide and brand manual. Based on these styles and user testing feedback I prepared the final version of visual design.

Implementation and Evaluation
The final outcome was one page microsite with login into RWS internal system. I closely cooperated with our Front End developers during implementation. The website was launched in 2021. Unfortunately after RWS merged with SDL company, the website was shut down soon.